English McCloskey Read the following quote and answer the question
3/26 Do Now
100 points
Matthew McCloskey
7:49 AM
Read the following quote and answer the question below:
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.
What did the author mean by this? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Things Fall Apart Chapter 17
1. Describe the land that Uchendu gives to the missionaries. What is he hoping will happen through this?
2. Describe the general attitude of the villagers towards the missionaries.
3. On page 140, Mr. Kiaga (the leader of the missionaries) says a very interesting quote: "Blessed is he who forsakes his mother and father for my sake". What does he mean by this?
4. How can we use that quote in Question 3 to describe both Nwoye and Okonkwo?
5. On page 141, on does Okonkwo blame his sons conversion on? Connect this thought with other examples of Okonkwo's bad luck we've seen so far.
Exit Ticket (You'll need to have done a Do Now to answer this question)
Think back to your answer for today's Do Now. In this book, who lies to themselves? What is the reasoning for these lies, and what is the result?
*You can write about any character (or group) you'd like for this answer. Think...what character is the most dishonest with themselves?
Class comments, answer, Turn in
100 points
Matthew McCloskey
7:49 AM
Read the following quote and answer the question below:
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.
What did the author mean by this? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Things Fall Apart Chapter 17
1. Describe the land that Uchendu gives to the missionaries. What is he hoping will happen through this?
2. Describe the general attitude of the villagers towards the missionaries.
3. On page 140, Mr. Kiaga (the leader of the missionaries) says a very interesting quote: "Blessed is he who forsakes his mother and father for my sake". What does he mean by this?
4. How can we use that quote in Question 3 to describe both Nwoye and Okonkwo?
5. On page 141, on does Okonkwo blame his sons conversion on? Connect this thought with other examples of Okonkwo's bad luck we've seen so far.
Exit Ticket (You'll need to have done a Do Now to answer this question)
Think back to your answer for today's Do Now. In this book, who lies to themselves? What is the reasoning for these lies, and what is the result?
*You can write about any character (or group) you'd like for this answer. Think...what character is the most dishonest with themselves?
Class comments, answer, Turn in
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