Fiorletta, Carlo | | Thu, Oct 31, 10:10 AM (4 days ago)
They are working together on the cell children's book. Edulastic assignments may be locked from overdue. We can work together to catch them up. Thanks
Suarez, Julissa | | Sun, Nov 3, 6:49 PM (13 hours ago)
Ok, thanks. The marking period is now over but I can enter a 70 if they can have it done by this Monday or Tuesday.
100 points
Oct 19 Hello Everyone,
Please be sure to complete your children's book as it is considered a PROJECT grade. You have been given class time and homework time to organize your story and ask for my help. Follow this checklist below and look at the rubric I sent you the first time. This will tell you how to get a 100%
*Decorate your cover with a cool picture and a title
*Label the page numbers at the bottom right
*Write your 1-2 sentences on each page
*Above those sentences, draw a picture or get one from the internet
*Include a credits page at the beginning, before the story begins so we know who will play what role (ex: The Nucleus starring as "mom", The Mitochondria as "Timmy")
*YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTACH YOUR PAGES INTO THE BOOK WE WILL DO THAT IN CLASS, however, the rest of the book should be complete
.............................Please DO NOT forget to bring your story to school on Mon or Tues. 10 points will be taken away every day that it is late.
Show me a book that you are proud of
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